Tuesday, July 26, 2011

All My Children feels like All My Children again!

When I was eleven years old and in the fifth grade I loved this silly teen soap opera called Swans Crossing. My favorite character was Sydney played by the amazing Sarah Michelle Gellar. I was terribly sad when the show stopped airing, even though WPIX had it airing at like 6am or something crazy like that. I was getting my fifth grade butt up and watching it. 

In the spring of that year my Mother told me that the girl that played Sydney was now on the soap opera she always watched while eating lunch—All My Children. At this point I really only knew a few things about AMC; it had a character named Dixie, a guy named Tad who came back like the year before, some woman named Erica Kane existed. That’s what I knew at the time. Heck I was eleven, and the only soap opera I had ever sat down and watched besides Swan’s Crossing was Another World. But because SMG was on this show, the next time I was home sick I got to watch AMC. 

That was how I began my viewership of AMC on my own. I fell in love with all of it. I remember when I started sixth grade another girl in my get to know you group also watched AMC. Whenever it was just the two of us waiting before gym class we would discuss the latest of Trevor and his kids, or Kendall trying to ruin Erica or Adam trying to keep things going with Gloria.

For years when I was home from school, or not in class (college schedule usually left me open for AMC), I knew the characters, I loved them and most of the time they acted normally. Sometimes things shocked up, made us laugh, made us cry. I adored Tad and Simone, heck if he wasn’t going to be able to be with Dixie; Simone was a really great choice wasn’t she? I remember sitting in my dorm room when Leo “died” and crying that my hall mates were like WTF?

Then Chuck Pratt came on and I knew things for AMC were going to be bad. I knew he never cared about characters just what crazy thing he could do—just like Guza from General Hospital (that’s another post for another day). At this point, I remember watching AMC when I could and being confused about pretty much everything and everyone. They didn’t make sense at all. They made decisions I just didn’t understand.

We got a few months when Lorraine Broderick that worked out some major missteps that Pratt did, however we then got the show killers, who made AMC so bad I couldn’t watch it. I couldn’t sit through the show at all. I would put it on and I had no idea what was going on. My former boss would always ask me what was going on; I used to be able to tell her anything she needed to know. At this point though I had no clue whatsoever was happening. 

Then we got that awful Thursday, I will never forget when I found out the news. I was at work, my last day on the job and excited that soon I wouldn’t be dealing with tourists or trying to balance college students schedules anymore. I looked down at my not so trusty smartphone (it likes to turn itself off) and saw the tweets of the news. I held back the tears for a while until I went into the restroom and cried for a moment.

A few nights later, out with some friends at the bar where in the haze of a few too many cosmos I balled my eyes out about the cancellation of AMC and OLTL. AMC will soon be off our TV screens, but it is no longer going to be gone. I know a lot of people are sketched out by the internet thing, including a certain leader that didn’t want to be a leader (if you know who you are, good for catching on), but let’s be grateful that no matter what, we will be getting our AMC fix one way or another. Which is amazing because it finally feels like the show it once was, it can make you laugh and cry, cheer and shout. If whoever stays with the series when it moves to the internet and keep this going then we’ve won.

Heck as long as the characters make sense again, they feel like themselves, act like themselves then it’s all good. I am glad that the viewers who won’t be following the show to the internet get to have this show back once again. It would be a true tragedy if the show were to move on a low note rather than the high note we have happening right now.

Embrace it, love it, hold it in your heart.

Remember that the soaps didn’t start out on TV, the started in Radio and made the move. Guiding Light made that move and lasted a very long time in its new home. Perhaps we will be lucky and blessed that the same could happen for All My Children.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Saga of the 2 Todd's

First let me apologize for being absent, the boyfriend and I traveled to Michigan last weekend for a wedding, and since I've gotten back most of my focus has been on getting my book Secret Fantasy ready for release.

The saga of the two Todd’s has me on the edge of my seat. I am amazed at how good it is. I adore both Roger and Trevor. I can’t figure out what is going on and I LOVE that. I adore that it is not clean, cut and simple. Whoever is the real Todd is, it’s going to be explosive when all is said and done.
Tuesday’s episode was so amazing. I was on my couch in my simple little living room and I could feel the tension around me. In fact it was so good, I almost forgot that Stalker Girl and Nate were around. I only hope that Stalker Girl will be gone soon, just like I can only hope Rachel will be gone soon on Big Brother. But that’s for the vlog later.
Ya know I’m not even sure who I want to be the real Todd. Part of me wants it to be Roger cause the drama of that would be amazing, while the other part of me wants it to be Trevor. This storyline is like LOST you never really know what is happening. Just like LOST I am along for the ride, waiting to see what happens and who turns out to be the real Todd Manning and who the other guy turns out to be, and why he thinks he is Todd.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Okay, wow so much to say and I have no idea what i'm really thinking just yet...

I did post a vlog early this morning, if you never want to miss one subscribe on youtube. The first half to 2/3's is reality tv discussion and the end is soaps but its interesting at least I think so:

And then after that...news came out that AMC and OLTL will live on, with new episodes on a new website being developed by prospect park. So I did the only thing I could think of, I danced. I uploaded that to my twitter account but you can view that here.

So what do you think about this latest development? Is it good? Bad or just plain crazy? Comment below!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bianca and Marissa, meh.

I hate to say this, it makes me sad. I really want Bianca to have a romance, a good one. A hot and heavy one. I just don't feel that happening. I like Bianca, always have. Marissa was always sort of a WTF to me. Maybe that's where I find issue with it.

How to others feel about Bianca and Marissa? Are people rooting for the pairing just cause it puts someone with Bianca? Are they rooting because Bianca is stealing away JR's "love"? Or do you see something that I haven't caught yet? Maybe I need to just go on youtube and watch some Bianca/Marissa stuff and see if can figure out what I've been missing.

What are your thoughts on Marissa and Bianca? Do you LOVE them, do you LIKE them or are you kind of Meh, have no real opinion on them.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

SoapNet tonight! Secret Fantasy out soon!

Well its been a crazy day with the verdict in the Casey Anthony Trial coming in. I'm not even going to get started with that.

So tonight I'm going to watch the soaps off of SoapNet. Honestly its been a while since I've done that but today its necessary.

I heard that Quartermaines are on GH today that's always a treat. Only 3 weeks until Guza's writing is that bad memory we have. You know like all those awful awkward ones from middle school.

Depending on what I get to watch tonight, is what I will write about.

It appears that next week will be the release of my first novel Secret Fantasy. I will post more information about that soon. If you're curious about it, check out the book trailer at the side. I plan on doing a give away next week.

I did post a new VLOG, its more about Big Brother which even though this blog is titled Now THIS is Soap Opera I will discuss other stuff whenever I feel like it. The title is mainly a quote from the movie SoapDish.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

VLOG: Couples, favorites and least favorites!

Here is my second VLOG. Let me know who you're favorite couples are, and who you're least favorite are either here on the blog or on youtube. And One Life to Live fan's don't forget to vote in the favorite couple poll here on the site!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Five Characters that need a reality check ASAP!

You know how someday's your watching your favorite soap and then that annoying character comes on that you just want to shake and or slap until they get to reality?

Today, I bring you the 5 characters currently that I think are in need of a reality check, or we could call this top 5 characters that need to be slapped?

5. Deanna aka Stalker Girl One Life to Live
This girl has no purpose at all. I want her off my screen and in fact this is probably the only time you will ever see me actually refer to her by name. She has yet to do anything that is relevant, oh except she's going to get Nate involved in porn. Sadly I don't think he really needed your help to get him there, I'm sure he would've fallen into that as well. So please, please take the money you'll earn from the film and go back to Ohio. You're just creepy.

4. Sharon The Young and The Restless
I don't know who you are anymore. I remember liking you before the shoplifting, the marriage to Jack Abbott and the sleeping around. Now you've let everyone think you're dead, even though you claim to love them. Now you're hanging out in New Mexico with some guy who because you're Sharon will probably fall in love with you and somehow end up in Genoa City just when you're finally getting things figured out between the whole Adam/Nick thing.

3. Sonny General Hospital
Okay, I admit it Sonny I've been upset with you ever since you forced AJ to sign away his rights to Michael. These day's you're just sad. You don't see why people think you're dangerous. Remember that time you took Michael to the warehouse and he got shot? That wasn't cause someone wanted your coffee beans, it's cause you're a MOB BOSS. Oh and remember how crazy the Zacchara's are and that Johnny's like the sane one? Well Anthony keeps coming near your wife and her son. Obviously you do not have the best security around. So take a moment think about all the people you have hurt, and lost. Let's start with Karen Wexler and when you're done maybe we could take about redeeming you if that is possible.

2. Jane  All My Children
Oh honey, Erica's life was a lot more then what you see in the US Weekly. Please take a moment to step back and think about what kind of world you have gotten into. Plus really, why would you want Erica's life? She hasn't had the best track record in her love life. Then again maybe that was why? Bad record with men, chasing away another one of Erica's lovers wouldn't seem so weird. Yeah you still should've done more research first, and never should've trusted Erica to tell you the truth.

1. Jack One Life to Live
 Mr. Bully here needs to come clean about the whole damn thing. I want to know what started him bullying Shane. Why he let's that little brat Brad push him. Really, why would you want to appear cool to that little jerk? I also want him to realize he did a lot of very wrong things. I want him to have to face the consequences. Actually I just want him to get the crap beat out of him by guy's Clint, Rex, and Asa's ghost hire, how's that?

Who are the character's on Soaps that you currently want to slap and believe are in need of a reality check?